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Image by Guille Álvarez

The MIXED Foundation is committed to helping individuals reach their full potential. We provide resources and tools to help them achieve financial literacy, business acumen, and leadership skills. Our programs also provide mentorship opportunities for professionals that are interested in pursuing careers in business and entrepreneurship. Through our programs, we are able to provide valuable guidance on how to succeed in the field of business. Additionally, we offer resources such as workshops and seminars that help our members develop the necessary skills they need to be successful entrepreneurs. By providing these resources, we hope to have a positive impact on the communities we serve.

MIXED Foundation Financial Literacy Mission 

Dave Ramsey Course



MIXED Foundations Personal Financial Literacy Course

Valid for 12 months




Retirement and Planning


Mastering Your Money: The Benefits of Enrolling in the Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program

Money is an essential part of our daily lives, yet many of us struggle to manage it effectively. Financial literacy is the key to taking control of your finances and achieving financial stability. Unfortunately, many people lack the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their money effectively. This is where the Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program comes in. This program is designed to help you take control of your finances and achieve financial stability. 


The Importance of Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the ability to understand and manage your finances effectively. It is the key to achieving financial stability and success. Unfortunately, many people lack the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their money effectively. This can lead to financial stress, debt, and a lack of financial security.

Financial literacy is important for everyone, regardless of age or income level. It is essential for young adults just starting out in their careers, as well as for those who are nearing retirement. The ability to manage your finances effectively can help you achieve your financial goals and live the life you want.

By improving your financial literacy, you can learn how to budget effectively, save for the future, invest wisely, and manage your credit. These skills can help you achieve financial stability, reduce financial stress, and improve your overall quality of life.

The Benefits of Enrolling in the Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program

The Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program is designed to help you take control of your finances and achieve financial stability. MIXED Foundation has partnered with Dave Ramsey Education to provide a comprehensive program that covers a wide range of financial topics, including budgeting, savings, investing, and credit.

One of the main benefits of the program is that it is designed to be accessible to everyone. Whether you are a recent graduate just starting out in your career or a seasoned professional looking to improve your financial situation, the program can help you achieve your goals.

Another benefit of the program is that it is designed to be practical and actionable. The program provides you with practical tips and strategies that you can apply to your daily life to make the most out of your money. By the end of the program, you will have a deep understanding of how to manage your finances effectively and achieve financial stability.

Topics Covered in the Program - Budgeting, Savings, Investing, and Credit

The Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program covers a wide range of financial topics, including budgeting, savings, investing, debt, and retirement.

The budgeting module covers the basics of budgeting, including how to create a budget, track your expenses, and make adjustments as needed. You will learn how to prioritize your spending and save money on everyday expenses.

The savings module covers the importance of saving for the future and provides practical tips and strategies for saving money. You will learn how to set financial goals and create a savings plan that works for you.

The investing module covers the basics of investing, including how to choose investments that match your risk tolerance and investment goals. You will learn how to diversify your portfolio and manage your investments effectively.

The credit module covers the basics of credit, including how to maintain a good credit score, manage credit card debt, and use credit wisely. You will learn how to avoid common credit mistakes and build a strong credit history.

Program Delivery - Online

The Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program is designed to be flexible and accessible. The program is available online. You have access to the course for 12 months.

The online format allows you to complete the program at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home. You can access the program from anywhere with an internet connection and complete the modules on your own schedule.

How to Enroll in the Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program

Enrolling in the Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program is easy. Simply visit the program's website and click the payment link. You will be prompted to create an account and provide some basic information. Once you have created an account and made payment you will be emailed your access code within 24 hours.

The program is designed to be self-paced, so you can complete the modules on your own schedule. You can take as much time as you need to complete the program, and you can revisit the modules as often as you like.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Program

Q: Who is the program designed for?

A: The program is designed for anyone who wants to improve their financial literacy and take control of their finances. It is accessible to people of all ages and income levels.

Q: How long does the program take to complete?

A: The program is self-paced, so the time it takes to complete depends on your schedule and preferences. On average, most people complete the program in 6-8 weeks.

Q: How much does the program cost?

A: The cost of the program is $35.00.

Q: What kind of support is available for students?

A: The program provides various support options, including online forums, and email support.

Conclusion - Take Control of Your Finances with the Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program

In conclusion, financial literacy is essential for achieving monetary stability and success. The Mixed Foundation Financial Literacy Program is designed to help you take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. By enrolling in the program, you will gain a deep understanding of budgeting, savings, investing, and credit and practical tips and strategies for managing your finances effectively. Whether you choose the online, in-person, or hybrid format, the program is designed to be flexible and accessible to everyone. So why wait? Invest in yourself today and start mastering your money!




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